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It can be challenging for women who want to lose weight to find a suitable weight loss diet that really works and also gives them the high quality nutrition that their bodies need. After all, nutrition for women is not the same as for men. Women also put on weight differently and in different areas of the body when compared to men.
Women’s bodies, especially their hormones, are very sensitive to food intake and this needs to be carefully considered when planning a weight loss diet.
It’s important to focus on not just weight loss, but fat loss. We do not want to lose muscle which is essential for women especially as we get older. This is the problem with most extreme diets. Yes a lot of weight is lost but a good amount of that is muscle, which is very hard to build again. A balanced weight loss diet plan will preserve the muscle and focus on losing fat alone.
Poornima before & after Daily9. Read her story here.
If you’re looking for a scientific and sustainable way to lose weight, this article explains how to plan and follow a diet for weight loss. We’ve put together this diet plan for weight loss along with other helpful tips for different situations. We know that women who spend more time at home have very different challenges when it comes to diet & exercise when compared to women who spend more time in an office environment. We’ve provided helpful tips for both situations in this article.
Weight loss is a big concern for many women and is often the first priority in their fitness plan. Weight loss is not easy but certainly achievable with a structured plan, effort and patience. The key is to focus on the 3 big areas that matter the most when it comes to a healthy lifestyle – a balanced diet, regular exercise and good sleep habits.
Many people are under the impression that a weight loss diet requires something drastic or extreme. For example, starvation diets, very low or no-carbs, keto, paleo or using pills and supplements. While some of these can show results, this usually only lasts for a very short time. None of these approaches have been proven to work in the long run. In fact, following such diets can even cause serious health issues for women like disrupting their menstrual cycles and metabolism.
What has been shown to work is a balanced & nutritious diet with the right proportions of all food groups
Here are the 3 major food groups that must be considered when designing a weight loss diet chart or plan:
This is important to give your body the important nutrients like vitamins, minerals & fiber. In addition, vegetables also include a lot of water and eating enough vegetables helps you feel full and satisfied after a meal. Eating enough vegetables must be at the heart of your diet plan for weight loss
Why you should eat more colours from Daily9 Wellness on Vimeo.
There is a lot of misconception that protein is not required for women or that it will make you bulky. This is not the case.
Protein is essential for a number of health reasons like immunity, hormones, digestion and bone health.
It is therefore important for women to consume enough protein on a daily basis for general health and also weight loss. In addition, including protein also helps with reducing snack cravings as high-protein foods are very filling. Therefore, any diet for weight loss for women must focus on including high-quality sources of protein.
The Indian diet tends to be high on carbs, which is mainly grains like rice & wheat. Foods like rice, roti, oats, poha, idli, dosa, biscuits are all made from grains and therefore major sources of carbs. It is important to control how much carbs you eat in a day. The idea is not to eat very low or no carbs.
The reality is that for many, carb-rich foods are more than 60% or even 70% of their daily diet.
That is too much, harmful to health in the long run and can lead to issues like PCOS, diabetes, thyroid and fatty liver. The goal is to lower the amount of carbs while also increasing protein and vegetables. This helps make the diet balanced and ideal for weight loss. It has been shown in studies and we see this with Daily9 users also – rebalancing the diet in this way improves health by getting issues like PCOS under control while also achieving weight loss.
The exact balance of these 3 food groups – vegetables, protein and carbohydrates will vary per person. As a simple guideline, you can aim for an equal balance of these groups on your plate.
Balancing different food groups
It can be tempting to focus on the ideal breakfast for weight loss, lunch for weight loss or best dinner for weight loss.
What is more important is a balanced overall food intake in a day.
Below is an easy to follow Indian weight loss diet chart that can be followed for a week (7 days) by a woman. The portions are based on a woman in the weight range of 60-70 kgs and should be used as a guide.
Please note the following points:
While we have provided a weight loss diet plan below, please use this as a guide only. There is no single ideal diet chart. A one-size-fits-all answer approach will not work when it comes to a weight loss diet plan. One’s nutritional requirements will vary based on a number of factors, including gender, height, weight, meal preferences, any medical conditions, allergies etc.
We have prepared a diet plan ideal for weight loss focusing on mainly Indian foods. This diet plan is a sample, and we would recommend that you work with aDaily9 coachto customize it for your needs.
Paneer tikka
Rice with rajma
Broccoli and veg stir fry
Dinner: Order in or Eating out
We know that women who spend a lot of time at home have some unique challenges. Therefore we have provided some tips below to help you.
A lot of your diet is decided when you shop, so it’s important to follow some smart shopping strategies. Firstly, eat before you head out for grocery shopping.
When you shop on an empty stomach, you make poor choices.
Second, make a shopping list & stick to the list – no exceptions. Lastly, include any treats in the list, do not leave it till you get to the shop. Plan your healthy meals and your treats in advance (make sure they are occasional) and shop accordingly.
If cooking a lot of vegetables is difficult and takes too much time and effort, you can use raw cut vegetables like tomato, carrot, cucumber & capcisum as a side salad. Add some lime, salt & pepper for taste.
Snacking can be a challenge at home. You can try black coffee or teas like black, green or herbal teas which can help deal with cravings. Another option is fruit.
2 fruits a day are a great choice as a snack and can be included in your weight loss diet.
If you have sugar cravings, sugar-free chewing gum can help.
You might find that there is always some junk food at home and that tempts you to snack. It helps to keep them out of sight. For example, keep them in the back in the fridge or cabinet or store them in a non-transparent container. If you can, it’s best to not have them at home at all. Out of sight is out of mind.
Getting enough exercise can be difficult if you are spending most of your time at home. Here are some ideas:
Surya Namaskar poses
We know that women who spend a lot of time in an office environment have some unique challenges. Therefore we have provided some tips below to help you.
This need not be anything elaborate. But packing simple snacks like fruits (apple, banana, orange), a raw cut salad (carrot, cucumber, tomato) or boiled eggs and taking it with you can help with eating better in an office. You will also be able to avoid unhealthy (sugary or oily) food options at the office canteen.
Having healthy snacks with you is very important in the evenings when you get very hungry but do not have any healthy options with you.
Doing some advance preparation will help you in these situations and support your weight loss diet plan.
Healthy snacks in boxes
We know that friends and colleagues at work might tempt you often with cakes, cookies or other treats. While it is not always possible to avoid them, keep the portions small. This way you will avoid awkward social situations but also not hurt your weight loss diet plan.
Drinking water often is very helpful both to hydrate you and limit snacking.
Often we think we are hungry when we are really thirsty.
So drinking water often is helpful to avoid such unnecessary snacking and will make you more successful with your weight loss diet plan.
Getting enough exercise can be difficult if you are spending most of your time at a desk. Here are some ideas:
Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to cause health problems. So it’s important to take frequent breaks from sitting. Take short breaks to stretch your body and avoid joint stiffness. You will add more exercise to your day which will help with your weight loss goal. We’ve provided some helpful guidance and stretches.
You may not always find time for 30-60 mins of exercise. But it does not have to always be that long. Even short sessions of movement like 5-10 minutes help. These are intermittent workouts.
A short intermittent exercise session will also help you destress and reduce snack cravings.
All of which will support your weight loss diet plan. See this infographic where we provide many examples of exercises you can do and how to add them to short breaks in your day.
Add a little exercise into your work day. You can walk around your office building or take the stairs instead of the lift. You can even take calls while walking. All these little ideas will add up and help you get more out of your weight loss diet plan.
We’ve worked with hundreds of women and understand the unique challenges they face when trying to lose weight or find a weight loss diet plan. You can see some of our success stories , including the story of Chitra who lost 25 cms in spite of her thyroid and PCOS issues. The Daily9 system is proven to work as an effective weight loss diet plan. Women coaches at Daily9 have developed practical ideas and strategies that work in real life and improve the weight loss that women achieve with Daily9. This helps with weight loss and also many health conditions that Indian women face like digestive issues, diabetes, PCOS, thyroid, fatty liver and joint problems from excess weight.
While there are many calorie counters out there, we believe that a focus on quality & nutrition (and not just calories) is critical for any weight loss diet plan. Instead of tracking calories, we believe in tracking healthy habits at Daily9.
Most importantly, the Daily9 system is practical and suits an Indian family environment. This will set you up for success with weight loss and also weight maintenance in the long run.
If you’re looking for a scientific and practical approach to weight loss, take a look at theDaily9 coaching programme. It’s the only programme that helps with weight loss
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