How to undo the effects of the sitting pandemic

Coach Arvind
November 03,2022

Most of us spend a lot of time sitting. Week days are spent at work and most of us don’t move a lot during the weekend either.

This lack of movement is hurting us and a lot of us are living with pain and injuries. Our bodies have also forgotten how to move and we have become weak.

Has the sitting pandemic affected you?

Take these 2 simple tests to find out. If you are not able to pass either of these tests, we suggest that you start a daily movement routine. We have 2 options that you can choose

Option 1: A warm-up & flexibility routine

Option 2: Surya Namaskars

These movement routines will help you move better and become pain free, at any age. But as with most things in life, to get results you will need to do them and stay consistent.

Also check out the related article on this blog on ‘What all the sitting is doing for you’.

Download the high resolution PDF of How to undo the effects of the sitting pandemic: Click Here

About the Author

Coach Arvind
Arvind is a qualified Personal Trainer, SFG-certified Kettlebell Instructor and a Nutrition Coach. Arvind knows that there is no one-size-fits all answer and is focused on helping people find the solutions that work for them. He frowns at fad diets as they do more harm than good.

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