How to use spices hiding in your kitchen cabinet

Coach Shivani
November 03,2022

Google ‘superfoods’ and what do you get?

About 28 million results………and various lists of must-have superfoods (think chia seeds, açaí, kale etc) with properties supposedly ranging from helpful to down-right magical. And of course, you’ll no doubt see some ads for superfood powders that cost an arm and a leg. But do you really need to make a trek to the gourmet food grocery and spend a fortune just to find these ‘superfoods’ and include them in your diet?

STOP – let’s have a look in your kitchen instead to find some ‘superfoods’already hiding right there!

What are we talking about?  We’re talking about turmeric, pepper, ginger and cinnamon. Spices that have been used in Indian kitchens for centuries.  Spices that are great for you and boast anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting properties, much like the other touted ‘superfoods’.

Use this infographic to put these spices to good use. They all work not just for you, but for your family too!

Download the high resolution PDF of How to use spices hiding in your kitchen cabinet: Click Here

About the Author

Coach Shivani
Shivani is a Precision Nutrition-Certified Nutrition Coach with experience of coaching thousands of women. As a mom of two, Shivani knows what it takes for women to achieve weight loss & a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise & sleep habits. She dislikes one-size-fits-all type advice.

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