Coach Kannan
April 18,2023

Protein shakes or protein powders are high-protein supplements that can help in weight loss and building muscle. The most popular protein used is whey protein, which is an extract of milk. There is a long history of using whey, starting…

Coach Shivani
April 18,2023

5-point Summary Water fasting should not be undertaken lightly. It can be a difficult and challenging process, both physically and mentally, and if not executed in a safe and responsible manner, can result in serious medical problems. One of the…

Coach Arvind
April 18,2023

5-point Summary Why you need more protein: Protein is not just for building muscle or for body builders. Protein is essential in your daily diet for weight loss, weight maintenance and good overall health. A high protein Indian food chart…

Coach Shivani
April 18,2023

You may have heard about ‘plant-based’ and ‘vegan’ diets and that they are very healthy. But you may wonder what a vegan diet plan includes and how you could adopt such a plan. In this article, we will tell you…

Coach Shivani
April 10,2023

Soup is a highly nutritious liquid usually served before meals that can contain meat, vegetables, cream, and cheese. There are multiple types of soups, depending on the ingredients. Healthy soups can be used for weight loss as they help produce…

Coach Arvind
April 10,2023

Surya Namaskar is a great yoga exercise. In this article, I will help you learn about the 12 poses of Surya namaskar and its benefits. I will cover Surya Namaskar steps and why it's effective for weight loss. Oh no!…