Coach Arvind
April 18,2023

5-point Summary Why you need more protein: Protein is not just for building muscle or for body builders. Protein is essential in your daily diet for weight loss, weight maintenance and good overall health. A high protein Indian food chart…

Coach Arvind
April 10,2023

Surya Namaskar is a great yoga exercise. In this article, I will help you learn about the 12 poses of Surya namaskar and its benefits. I will cover Surya Namaskar steps and why it's effective for weight loss. Oh no!…

Coach Arvind
March 22,2023

Intermittent fasting has become a popular weight loss method in recent years, with many supporters claiming that it not only helps to lose weight but also boosts metabolism, among other claimed benefits.  However, is there any scientific evidence to support…

Coach Arvind
February 28,2023

5-point Summary Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a popular fasting method where you have an eating window and a eating restriction window (fasting window). There are several variations of intermittent fasting, but the most common one involves restricting food intake for…

Coach Arvind
February 22,2023

5-point Summary Intermediate Fasting (IF) is a popular method of fasting where you eat within a specific time frame and fast for the rest of the day. For example, you eat all your meals within an 8-hr window and fast…

Coach Arvind
February 17,2023

5-point Summary Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. A popular way to practice IF is to fast for a 16-hour period (fasting window) and eat during the other 8-hours (eating…

Coach Arvind
January 10,2023

Whether you're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply improve your overall health, knowing your body fat percentage is an important metric to keep track of. Body fat percentage is a more accurate measure of health (and whether you…

Coach Arvind
November 04,2022

Weight loss is hard enough, but maintaining it can be even harder. In this article, we will outline everything you need to know about how to maintain weight after weight loss. Why weight maintenance is important A big reason to…

Coach Arvind
November 03,2022

Many of us think of exercise as something that we always need to set aside 45-60 minutes for. This does not have to be the case. You're setting the bar too high, and this means you’re also more likely to…

Coach Arvind
November 03,2022

Most of us spend a lot of time sitting. Week days are spent at work and most of us don't move a lot during the weekend either. This lack of movement is hurting us and a lot of us are…